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User retention
Currently resigning Living Proof’s website focusing on improving the product description page with an aim to increase the product discovery to purchase conversion rates.
Our design team is currently utilising methods like user interviews, heuristic evaluation, competitive analysis to brainstorm strong UX strategies to implement in the customer’s user journey with an aim to improve the conversion rate for Living Proof's website.
Product Designer
UX Researcher
Nancy Rasche, Purdue University
Inge, Living Proof
Somebody, Living Proof
4 months
Project brief
Living Proof is a Boston based company that manufactures shampoos. After 5 years of a dash success, they are now looking to redesign their website with an aim to better guide their customers to learn more about the benefits of their products and guide their exploration to a successful purchase. As a scientific brand, they value their ingredients and consider it as a strong USP and want to surface their brand message throughout the customer’s purchase process.
Coming soon...
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